Check out the article:
“The Bloomberg of Business”
Anthropologists, journalists and programmers working at Tree Intelligence in São Paulo spend the day monitoring social networks, news and trends collected on the Internet about some industry sectors, such as cosmetics and food. “We are information curators,” says anthropologist Ignacio García, 36, a business partner. Natura, Braskem and Vivo are examples of companies that hire Tree to find out what is being discussed by academics and opinion makers and what's new in their areas.

PME Magazine Exam
An electronic dashboard, updated in real time, displays texts, videos and graphics considered most relevant to customers. It is similar to what the US news agency Bloomber produces for the financial market. “Some companies put our system on TVs installed in the commercial and marketing departments,” says García. “Data helps create products, marketing campaigns, and expansion plans.” Prior to founding Tree in 2012, García was an economic researcher. “I realized that public data on the web can be valuable to companies after it has been analyzed and interpreted,” he says.
To access Ignacio García's article published in Exame magazine click here.
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