Trabalho híbrido: saiba como vencer os seus desafios, por meio da transformação organizacional.
Conhecer as redes informais em sua empresa é a melhor maneira para promover a transformação organizacional que o modelo de trabalho híbrido exige. De um lado as empresas que querem voltar quanto antes ao trabalho presencial, do outro lado os...Analise de redes organizacionais: 5 passos para estimular a diversidade e inclusão
Saiba como a Análise de Redes Organizacionais ajuda a estimular redes de trabalho mais diversas, inclusivas e competitivas. Stakeholders de diversos tipos, como consumidores, investidores e colaboradores, nunca estiveram tão atentos as questões de diversidade...An anthropological view of organizational networks
In a business ecosystem increasingly complex, hyperconnected and very unstable, the innovation has become the panacea which organizations are urged to adapt. Without entering into the discussion about the correct definition of innovation, in this article we consider that within the "Interconnected Era", innovation no longer depends on individual geniuses and eurekas to be an emergent property of collaborative social networks, in all its development and diffusion process.
Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Management and Monitoring of Stakeholders
É uma técnica de análise que permite avaliar os impactos ambientais associados a todas as fases da vida de um produto ou serviço (Muralikrishna e Manickam 2017), desde a obtenção de matérias primas até o seu descarte. A quantificação dos impactos por fase, permite identificar as áreas onde as empresas devem concentrar esforços para economizar recursos naturais, entre eles a água, e diminuir a emissão de gases de efeito estufa, entre outras questões.
The focus of organizational networks on people management.
Despite being published in 2009, the article written by our CEO, Ignacio García, remains current and relevant in the face of the challenges of senior management in times of pandemic.
Meet the struggle of mothers seeking the right to cannabidiol treatment for their children
The use of cannabidiol for clinical treatments is progressively increasing and gaining prominence in the press and in the pharmaceutical market.
Restructuring and downsizing - How not to fragment the networks?
In view of the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, integrated processes of restructuring, downsizing and rightsizing become a priority on the agenda of most organizations.
The challenges of managing the Remote Organization
Remote work. What until a few months ago was one of the main trends in mobility at work, today it has become a forced and globalized reality that puts HR Managers in an unprecedented situation and of extreme responsibility for the subsistence of organizations. A dystopian world with cities without people passing by and empty commercial buildings contrasts with homes, the vast majority, not designed to unite what anthropologists call "working time" (professional) with "leisure time" (personal / family).
Understand why companies want to find out who are their internal influencers
Check here the interview of Tree Intelligence CEO, Ignacio García, for the business website, addressing the importance of mapping informal collaboration networks to identify who are the real influencers within organizations, how teams are organized to carry out their tasks and how informal communication flows across the company.