Water Crisis: Four Key Points for Business Communication

In this week's ABERJE column, Ignacio Garcia talks about the challenge of institutional communication in the water crisis in Brazil.

Check out the following article:


While the sources of information about the water crisis are steadily increasing in volume and diversity (with experts, journalists, politicians and citizens actively participating in the discussion), the natural source that everyone is talking about is closing increasingly. In the dosing of these two sources, this brief post.

Facing one logic of abundance, typical of cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, we come across a scarcity logic for which we are not culturally prepared.

In this regard, there is no business segment that is not in the short term affected by the water crisis, either by stopping production, making inputs more expensive and even scaring away its customers.


The challenge of institutional communication in the water crisis

In this dismal scenario, the areas of institutional communication have a huge challenge for both safeguard the mark of negative perceptions (eg the decline in service quality in hotel and shopping positively position it as innovative in resource management without affecting the quality of their services.

As part of ongoing monitoring work on perceptions about water crisis, my team of netnographers, experts in network science and risk communication, identified four key points to establish a solid foundation on which to sustain institutional communication:

  1. Have a detailed analysis of your segment and the environment in which your organization is located, as well as a deeper and more particular view of your specific case.: Industry reporting companies already provide business-oriented information, which represents a condensed source of information your business needs to have before making any decisions;
  2. Draw on a network of experts and influencers: There is a network of approximately 100 experts who are influencers in different areas linked to water resources. Having these specialists on your communication radar enables you to understand who influences whom in each theme and region, and activates this network in strategic ways for your organization. Unlike a simple list of influencers and specialists (which do not show the power of relationships), a map with networks of influence and know how a great strategic advantage for your brand communication;
  3. Establish crisis management scenarios: And from them guide communication to specific segments of the network of influencers;
  4. Identify opportunities for innovation and brand positioning for each scenario: The implementation and communication of creative and efficient solutions by your organization will be an increasingly desired differential of your consumers, so they must be properly exploited.

It is these points raised above that we believe are a great opportunity for the areas of communication to provide, in quantity and quality, the resource entrusted to them: the information.


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